Robot Installation

MoeBot Installation (Robot Installation)

Your robot will need to be installed, each robot comes with

  • Pegs
  • Boundary Wire
  • Charging station
  • Charger
  • Wire clamps
  • Instructions

The most common cause for robot errors is incorrect installation.

Before installing your MoeBot please watch the 17 installation videos that are provided with your purchase.

To install all you will require is:

  • Rubber mallet or Small hammer
  • Wire cutters or scissors
  • Pliers

If the grass is long you may need to mow/whipper snip where you intend to lay the boundary wire. You want the boundary wire as taut as possible and close to the surface. Within a matter of weeks the boundary wire will sink beneath the soil.

Here is an example of how to install the boundary wire.

How to install boundary wire


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